My two biggest boys stand giggling outside of the nursery. I can hear them as I sing "You are my Sunshine" softly to Luke and then pray for him before laying him in his crib. As I walk out of the room and shut the door behind me, John and Joseph stand, pajama-clad, barely able to contain their excitement. In his hands, John holds a box. I know it well. It's the box he painstakingly made at the beach last summer, working long after his cousins had gotten bored and moved on to the next activity. It's the box that holds his treasures: the shark tooth from the aquarium, his own baby tooth he lost a couple of weeks ago, tiny shells found on the beach, and his money. Now, the boys grin and hold out the box to me. At the same time, they say, "We have a present for you." "What is it?" I reply. "Open it. It's for the adoption. Will it help?" I open the box and inside lies $3.06. All the money my boys have to their names, combined. Tears well, the words choke in my throat, and I whisper, "Yes, boys, this will help bring your sister home!"
Last summer, while we were in the early stages of praying about the possibility of adoption, a friend of mine asked a question that I feel I did a very poor job of answering. At the time, he didn't know that adoption was on our hearts, yet he dropped this question in my lap: "What do you think about people fundraising for adoption?" I paused, caught a little off guard, and replied, "I don't really have any problem with it. I have had a couple friends that we have helped with their adoptions. I feel like there are so many people who can't have kids and I'd love to be able to help them have the joy of having a family like we do." My friend went on to explain that he was talking about families that are middle to upper middle class, who already have kids, yet are wanting to adopt. Families that could take out loans, if they really felt they needed more kids. The question seemed focus on fundraising (Why fundraise when you can pay for it yourself, even if it means going in to debt for a while?) with the underlying question of adoption after biological kids (Why adopt when you can have biological kids? Isn't that being financially irresponsible?) I fumbled, I faltered, and in the end, I didn't really know what to say.
At that point, my focus was still all wrong. Yes, God was beginning to lay adoption on our hearts, but for some reason my focus was still so much on us and other parents who were adopting. At that point, God had not yet opened my eyes to the need of kids around the world. I was looking in the wrong direction - at myself, at my peers adopting, rather than at the child.
Since that time, I have read the book, Adopted for Life, by Russell Moore, and God has taught me so much about adoption. He's been showing me what He means in James 1:27 when He says, "Look after the orphans and widows in their distress." The dictionary defines "distress" as "extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain." The children in need of adoption are exactly that. They are anxious about what their life will look like today, tomorrow, next month, next year. They are filled with sorrow at the loss of their parents, the lack of love, the absence of a family. They carry the pain of rejection, abandonment, and often the scars from abuse. It is not about us, our financial situation, and whether or not we already have biological kids. It is about the child and caring for his needs.
If I had known then what I know now, I would have answered my friend so differently. I would have told him that I whole heartily believe that fundraising for adoption is a good thing to do. As Christians, God has given us this mandate to "look after orphans," but he has not called every family to adopt. Still, there are so many that want to obey the Lord, to take part in changing a life for the better. In opening an adoption to fundraising, a family is allowing others to be part of the journey. The family is allowing others to take part in alleviating the distress of one orphan, to help fold one child into a family.
Andrew and I are estimating the cost of our adoption from Bulgaria to be close to $30,000. We feel very strongly that we need to be open and willing to using our savings toward the adoption. Matthew 6:21 says, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." God has blessed us with a little "nest egg" in savings and has shown us that we don't need to hold tightly to the money we have. Though it lends us a bit of security in serving as our "Emergency Fund," it doesn't belong to us, it belongs to Him. So, we are more than willing to use our savings to help pay for this adoption. Unfortunately, our savings will only make a small dent in the total cost. While we could take out a loan to cover the remaining cost of the adoption, we feel that going into great debt without first fundraising would be doing ourselves, our friends, our family and complete strangers a disservice. We want to give those around us the opportunity, if they so desire, to become part of our child's story. We want to allow others to join with us in taking away the anxiety, the sorrow and the pain that our child has known thus far in her life, and replace it instead with joy.
I believe that John and Joseph, in giving all the money they had, wanted nothing more than to make a difference. They wanted to help, to be a part of the work we were doing to bring their sister home. The joy, the excitement, and the selfless love that they showed in giving what money they had made me realize that by accepting money from others to help bring our girl home, we are not the only ones receiving a gift. In humbly accepting, we are giving a gift to others: the gift of allowing them to answer God's call to love, cherish, and alleviate the distress of His children, His orphans.
If you are interested in partnering with us to bring our girl home, stay tuned to hear what fundraisers we have in store...