Three beautiful boys were waiting excitedly with Grammy and Grandpa...
watching out the window for our car to appear.
Finally, the moment we'd all waited so very long for arrived!
But, someone forgot to give Sadie the memo that this was the moment that she was supposed to be giggling, and smiling, and running into her brothers arms.
She was less than impressed by what was taking place.
And, totally uninterested in meeting those who had loved her for over a year and who had been praying for her for so very long.
Every so slowly, Sadie's eyes began to open,
and she saw three anxious, loving, and overjoyed boys starring with bright eyes at her.
A smile spread across her face at these...her brothers.
Luke begged to "hold her" - because to him, he's the big brother and she's the baby. Never mind the fact that they are exactly the same size and he's actually the younger one.
He was so proud that he took the opportunity to steal his first kiss.
After which he cried, "Her like me! Her like me!!!!"
The sleep slowly lifted and her eyes grew brighter.
She began to babble to her siblings and they were smitten from the start.
Because what's not to love...
about a girl who's smile lights up the room...
who instantly wraps her brothers around her finger...
and who opens her arms to love this crazy crowd of ours?!
A huge thanks to our sweet friend, Valerie Butler, for the amazing photos of this special moment in time!
Okay, crying my eyes out! I LOVE this post. Every single photo is breath-taking. Welcome Home, Sweet Sadie!